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Nokia Connects MVC July: the winner!

After introducing the Nokia Connects MVC awardlast week our judges have recovered from their trip to Helsinki and voted on the nominations. Before getting to the winner, let’s quickly recap on those up for the award…
  1. Davis Barbars - Giant Nokia Lumia collage
  2. Germain Elokan – Amazing BMX video
  3. Mansel Kersey – The Snow Leopard Award
  4. Cliff Thomas – #SwitchToLumia
Out of these four stories there can only be one person who receives the Nokia Connects MVC award this July. The judges have put their votes in and I can tell you it is a unanimous decision… Davis Barbars is to take home the first ever MVC award!
Davis Paper Challenge   Davis
Congratulations Davis! The effort you put into the door is clearly displayed by the amount of detail that can be seen. All of the MVC Judges had the same view, and Jenifer even said that she has made collages out of paper before and they took some amount of time, so a whole door is something really special. Please join me in congratulating Davis in the comments below!
Now we must start thinking about the next award. To nominate yourself or somebody else for the August MVC award please:
  • Send a tweet to @Nokia_Connects with the url to the piece you are nominating + the #NokiaConnectsMVC hashtag (for images, videos or tweets)
  • Send an email to Paul with the title “#NokiaConnectsMVC nomination” (for anything that requires more explanation or back story)

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