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Samsung & LG Design Patents Reveal New Smartphone, Desktop Display and Speaker Dock

Patent Bolt has discovered new design patents in the US Patent and Trademark Office database that reveal a new LG mobile device speaker dock plus a series of new Samsung patents covering several products that are worth noting.

Samsung Design Patents

Unlike "patent applications," design patents published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office don't reveal pertinent information about a particular design. We can look at the design and appreciate it for what it projects, but we'll never discover which materials may be used to construct the design. We'll never know what unique internal components may be hidden within the device or learn about any unique features that we could look forward to. All we get is the simple visual of what could be coming down the pipeline.

The first design patent that was granted to Samsung covers a new smartphone design.

 2. New Samsung Smartphone Design Patent

Samsung's design patent noted above was originally filed for in February 2012 in the US and in September 2011 in Korea.

The second Samsung granted design patent is for a new desktop computer display or monitor. While we can't confirm any details about this display, it appears that the supporting display arm may have the ability to angle both outward and/or inward to provide users with an ideal viewing angle.

 3. Samsung wins design patent for new desktop display - Monitor 07.30.13

Samsung's design patent noted above was filed for in May 2012 in the US and in December 2011 in Korea.

A third design patent win for Samsung is really a series of new patents covering three icons that Samsung illustrates on a mobile device like a smartphone. The first one reveals a gaming icon, the second one reveals a call icon and the third one covers a camera.

Samsung's call icon may be a new kind of live icon. The call icon appears to have two sides to it on a rotating plate with another communications related icon on the back. You're given the impression that one side of the icon will be for the phone while the other side for email or texting. Depending what kind of communication is incoming, the design may be able to spin accordingly on the user interface. Time will tell how that plays out, as design patents don't detail anything. But I think you'll agree the call icon definitely has a second icon hidden behind the first icon.

Though the real question becomes, were these new icons designed for an Android smartphone or for Samsung's upcoming smartphone running the Tizen OS. I think it may be for the latter.

 4. Samsung Wins Design patents for a series of new smartphone icons

Samsung's multiple icon design wins were filed in August 2012 in the US and in March 2012 in Korea.

LG Reveals New Smart Device Speaker Dock

In the top five smartphone vendors in the world, LG ranked number three last quarter. To better serve their customer base and appeal to new customers, LG designed a next generation speaker centric docking station.

The idea of a docking station for multiple devices is also on the minds of both BlackBerry and Apple. Apple's idea is without a doubt a little more sophisticated using near field magnetic resonance (NFMR) power transmission. Yet the LG design is likely the shorter term solution. The design that could easily appeal to music lovers.

 5. LG wins design patent for a Mobile Device Speaker Dock

LG's design patent was filed for in February 2012 in the US and in September 2011 in Korea.


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