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Samsung, defend your Galaxy: make these Apple and TAG Heuer clones disappear

Every tech company with an app store likes to believe its mobile headquarters is safe from foreign invaders, but that’s not the case. Too often, the most reputable app stores contain malware (Google Play) or apps that violate the company’s own approval policies. Apps slip through the cracks often, but the issue is not whether or not apps slip through the cracks, but rather, how companies respond to those apps when they become aware that their app store contains them. There are some “invaders” that have made their way into Samsung’s “Galaxy” (the app ecosystem, which is available on Samsung-branded “Galaxies”), both in the company’s Theme Store and in the watchface offerings in the Galaxy Apps Store – and it’s time for Samsung to rise up and defend its “Galaxy” by making these invading clone themes and watchfaces disappear. Click to read the rest of the article

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