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Hefty Galaxy Note 4 update brings October patch, bug fixes and better battery life (not in NL)

The Galaxy Note 4  gets at the moment in some countries an update that fixt and improves battery life also bugs in addition to the latest security patch. In the Netherlands, the update is not yet available, but we expect him shortly here.

The Galaxy Note 4 has now been two years in the market, and therefore approaching the end of the official support period. It is therefore not surprising that Samsung has for the last 'major' update again rolling up the sleeves, and - in addition to the latest security patch from October - still optimizes quite a few other spots.

The more than 350 MB update - firmware version XXS1DPJ3,  Niv. Android Security Patch:. Oct 1 - that also brings with it yet:

optimization of the battery using
improved performance through efficient memory management
stability improvements device
bug fixes
improved features (whatever they may be)
galaxy-note-4-Oct-patch features-changelog-xxs1dpj3

Simply put, these are all improvements to ensure that you can still make it long use of your Galaxy Note 4. However, further major updates are given the update not to expect more today, even if we assume that Samsung security patches still will continue to offer a moment for the device. Finally, even the Galaxy S4 in this area still held at the time .

As mentioned, the update in a number of European countries have already rolled out at this time, and we expect him therefore soon the Dutch Galaxy Note 4 - a little patience is nevertheless still required. Of course we'll let you know when the update is also available in our country.


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