Samsung AI Forum 2020: Humanity Takes Center Stage in Discussing the Future of AI
Each year, Samsung Electronics’ AI Forum brings together experts from all over the world to discuss the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and share ideas on the next directions for the development of these technologies.
This November 2 and 3, experts, researchers and interested viewers alike convened virtually to share the latest developments in AI research and discussed some of the most pressing and relevant issues facing AI research today.
Making the Best Use of AI in a Rapidly Changing World
AI technologies have developed remarkably in recent years, thanks in no small part to the hard work and diverse research projects being done by academic and corporate researchers alike all around the world. But given the rapid and significant changes brought on by the recent global pandemic, attention has recently been turning to how AI can be used to help solve real-life problems, and what methods might be most effective in order to create such solutions.
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