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Nokia 6290 unboxing pics

Allaboutsymbian published their unboxing pics today. It is a simfree European version. I didn't really like how the box looks. When I first saw it, I thought it was some operator branded box. The color of the phone is quite nice and unique.

Click for pics


  1. "I didn't really like how the box looks."

    Neither did I! It looks a bit cheap compared to Nokia's other sim-free boxes, which is strange as this isn't a cheap phone (It's about €300 to €400 sim-free here in Finland BTW).

    The good news is that the phone itself looks nice, the colour has a matt metallic finish with very glossy silver stuff around the screens and keypad. It looks like the kind of thing you'd find in a suit pocket or expensive handbag.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to visit my site and commenting! I am glad that you like the phone and I look forward to your review.


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