Wednesday, March 19 2025

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Ericsson to buy Motorola?

This was posted a member ("EMP") over at mobile-review's forum in the rumor section. Here is what he posted:

Ericsson buys Motorola?

"Rykten om Ericsson-bud på Motorola"
"Carl Icahn spridit ryktet om ett bud på Motorola från Ericsson"
"budet från Ericsson vara på 23 dollar per aktie."

Rumors about Ericsson bid on Motorola.
Carl Icahn has spread the rumor about a bid on Motorola from Ericsson.
The bid from Ericsson was 23$ per share.

SonyEricsson would get larger markeshare(18+8=26%)
SonyEricsson would get large in US
SonyEricsson would get large in entry level markets
Motorola would get Ericssons 20.000 patents

The link where he got the story from is a big site so it might be real. The site is in Swedish.

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