Tuesday, March 18 2025

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Future Sony Ericsson S series phones to feature motion sensing?

This was posted by a member over at Esato's forum under the rumor section.

"well since im from australia i recently went to crazy johns(mobile phone retailer) and what they told me is that by july they will have 1000s of different phones available..with that said now about the S series

one phone that that they told me about and got me interested was the sony ericsson shaker this is a walkman phone in a way..but whats special with this phone you ask..
well ill give you a few examples
1.when you fling your the shaker phone forward it goes to the next track
2.you fling it back it goes to the previous track
3.you shake it side to side it does a shuffle of all your tracks

now the guy told me (that was working there) is that this is possibly the new S series of s.e..he wont give me anymore details

reason why he mentioned this phone is they went to one of those demonstration nights for mobile phone retailers and they showed him and the other workers this and many other new phones to come soon

soo let me know what you think of this phone as i know when it comes out its gonna be a must on my list of phones "

Please...this is just a rumor and not a fact. Well I can imagine this being implemented in a future SE phone (or any other company). The Japanese already have a phone with motion sensing capabilities called the D904i from the DoCoMo network. Well the rumor of an SE announcement on the 28th/29th have been proved to be false. Next announcement will apparently take place on June 15 =)

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