Monday, March 17 2025

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New info on Motorola's UIQ plans

"Motorola UIQ products and cameras No photo here, sorry
This year is coming successor of Z8 - only one extra UIQ product
Next year it will be 9 products for different markets
Most of them with 3 mpx cameras, one or two with 5 mpx
Motorola want to be second largest UIQ producer after SE...
All of this product is media products. I play with Zxx in London, thanks to marketing stuff of Motorola, I really like this phone over Z8.
Price for this product line will be higher than for S60 devices with similar capabilities (or even better features). This is marketing decision. But design, materials etc are really good.
Bengal Boy will receive pictures and proto in 3 months I think, and you will see successor of Z8 Hope this inside will be usefull"

The above info was posted by Eldar over at mobile-review. He is a trustworthy source of information. I think that this is a good move by Motorola. Perhaps they will make more interesting phones (I absolutely hate their phone UI). Maybe this will also push Sony Ericsson to release more UIQ phones as well.

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