Pics of real and fake 4 GB Memory Stick Duo next to each other
A member over at howardforums posted some great pics of a fake 4 GB MSPD card next to a real one including the packaging. As we all know the Chinese practically fakes everything from little things to big things (like Disneyland). These memory cards are so abundant on Ebay that it's easy to be ripped off. I remember even a seller or two who didn't even know that they were selling fake cards. The pics below clearly points out what the differences are. The most obvious is how the packaging is closed. Usually fake ones have very little points that seal it. Real packaging is tough to open (from experience). I have once bought a fake 2 GB and I am still using it. Surprisingly, it is really 2 GB and is not slow and it's still working after 1.5 years (I use it alot). Of course, I am not recommending buying a fake card. I was just lucky. Be careful when buying memory cards.

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