Tuesday, March 18 2025

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The first HTC Touch review (part1)

Now wasn't that quick? The Touch was only announced 2 days ago and mobile-review have posted an in depth review (like they always do). Since this device is special the review will have more than one part. I don't really like the device in white. I think the black one looks way better. It also looks quite compact and the UI looks nice. The cam pics are nothing special. Mobile-review concluded part one of the review with the following:


The release of HTC Touch is, without vanity, even if not a revolution in the world of Windows Mobile, then decidedly, a remarkable event. If it gets proper advertising campaign and concept development, HTC has what it takes to inject new life into the market.

In the next installment we are taking a closer look at the commercial unit, painted in black, which will be available in Russia.

Stay tuned!"

Click for review

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