Tuesday, March 18 2025

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Sony Ericsson to stop developing firmware for P990/W950/M600?

There has been many threads dealing with this issue lately. It was started by a comment by the credible Virgile from planete-se. He wrote:

CITATION(Virgile @ 17/06/2007 à 9:13) *
Il n'y aura plus de mise à jour pour ce modèle après celle-ci.

translation: There won't be any updates for this model after this one

It was posted here but was edited today to this:

Je ne peux que t'encourager réellement à faire cette mise à jour. Pour les raisons que j'ai écrites au-dessus vendredi soir

translation: I can only really encourage you to make this update. For the reasons which I wrote above Friday evening

Virgile posted this yesterday here:

Mais ça ne changera rien au fait que cette version est la dernière pour le P990i...

translation: But that will not change anything with the fact that this version is the last for P990i…

I must say that if this is the case, I will be very disappointed with SE and I will most definitely get rid of my P990 ASAP. I remember when I bought the phone, being all excited about finally using VOIP...almost a year later still no VOIP support let alone many other things that I am willing to put up with.

There are big threads over at esato and at SE's developer site concerning this issue. Check them out for more info. I hope this is not true but if it is then this is for you SE...BOOOOOOOO!


  1. thanks maximus...lets spread this through the blogosphere

  2. You're welcome. We must try our best to spread the word. This is outrageous...

  3. If this is true! it means that this is my final UIQ phone from SE !
    who knows what they'll do to future products customers !!!???


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