Tuesday, March 18 2025

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Sony Ericsson keypad problem solved

Remember the S500 keypad cracking problem I posted about a while back? Well, this problem has been officially recognized by Sony Ericsson. Their official explanation (from SE Germany) is that there is a chemical reaction between the green paint and the keypad material (plastic). This causes the keys to be easily broken. This is why the yellow version of the phone is not affected (no green paint). The issue is being resolved by SE. Also, apparently the affected S500's are made before week 27.


  1. what do you mean before week 47?

  2. Well I've had mine for a week now, and just today I realized my keys 1,2,6 were cracked in the centre. By the way, mine's a Week 30.

  3. Hi,
    I just got a S500i , how dou you find out which week th phone was manufactured on ?

  4. it is definitly not just about the green paint, i got the yellow one and the same problem happened...

    can someone tell me what are the options to solve the problem?? I am in NZ by the way...

  5. Hey guys. Iv got a green s500i and also havn the same problem with the keypad.
    But im also havn probs with the +/- button on the left side of the unit. At first, it didnt seem like much of a problem until I discovered that pressing the - (minus) button actually hangs up an incomming call, as well as annoyingly turns down the volume on the media player.
    Iv been havn both probs only a few weeks from purchase in nov 2007 and havnt had any time to deal with it til now.
    Any words from anyone?

  6. anyone have an official link to sony's acknowledgement of this problem. I need it for a court case....


  7. I got this phone for my daughter, the keys cracked on the 15th day after buying it. We passed the 14 day return policy. After a couple months of complaining, our carrier exchanged for a new phone. After two weeks, the keys cracked again. This time I sent it to Sony, hoping they would fix the problem. After one week, this time it cracked again. I sent it in again...after one week it cracked. I sent it in to be fixed after the 5th time. Still waiting to see what they send back. Not a good phone for texting!

  8. anybody know how to fix my phone the keys 3,6,9 will not work on it wont even let me use them to make a text i cant even use the letters anybody know whatswrong with it or how to fix it


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