fring mobilizes ICQ voice and chat

Do you also have ICQ withdrawals when away from your PC? Fear no more! Now your ICQ buddies are in your pocket at the beach, pool, countryside… anywhere you have 3G, GPRS, EDGE or Wi-Fi coverage!
ICQ functions just like our other fring-integrated IM services, integrating all your ICQ buddies into your fring contact list together with your Skype, MSN Messenger, Google Talk and regular phonebook contacts.
So how can you start fringing with ICQ? It’s very easy!
If you’re already a fringster, go to Options –> Settings –> Configure Services, scroll down to select ICQ. Just add your ICQ number and password, and we’ll do the rest to make sure all your ICQ buddies are integrated into your fring contact list so you can start chatting & calling buddies right away!
If you’re not yet a fringster, become one download here and during your quick download process it will prompt you to add services.
Note: Depending on your handset display, the ICQ icon may not yet appear on your fring contact list. In the meantime, the fring icon will be highlighted to indicate fring or ICQ buddies.
Click for fring
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