Tuesday, March 18 2025

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Interesting Sony Ericsson info from a Swedish site

A big Swedish site posted some interesting info regarding Sony Ericsson and their next announcement. Below is a rough translation. What I managed to understand was that Sony Ericsson's next announcement will be focused on music with new Walkman phones and strategies (whatever that will be)...

Sony Ericsson tempts with news
of Daniel Hessel

the sixth November releases Sony Ericsson new walkmanlurar and presents also new strategies for the performance area. We welcome it admittedly, but becomes outermost speculating suckling when we see teaserbilden.

Some new defrauds and an entire new strategy for how Sony Ericsson will take himself an musical mobiles are what that stands on the schedule the sixth November. Whether the picture here below will be seen as one finurlig teaser to the entire or only as a fun picture in order to easy up our invitation know we not. But if the first alternative agrees to sow becomes we enough more cautious than curious.

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