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Linux to power mysterious mobile gadget?

Israel-based Emblaze Mobile has announced a mysterious new mobile communications device, expected to ship in 2008. The undefined and unnamed device reportedly has been developed in collaboration with Sharp and Access, the latter of which has lately been hard at work perfecting a Linux stack for mobile devices.

No real details are available about the mystery device, nor is it clear whether Sharp or Emblaze Mobile will market the device. However, Emblaze has hinted that Sharp will manufacture the device's hardware, while Access will supply its software, which might be assumed to be the Access Linux Platform (ALP), although this has not been confirmed.

In a statement, Emblaze CEO Guy Bernstein claimed that "The device represents one of the most ambitious projects in the high-tech mobile industry."

Emblaze Mobile appears to be a recently formed subsidiary of the Emblaze Group. Emblaze Group, in turn, appears to be a publicly traded (on the London stock exchange) umbrella company comprised of a dozen or so high-tech Israeli companies.

Most of Emblaze's constituent companies are focused on enterprise computing markets, with the exception of emoze, a push email service provider, and several companies in the wireless video broad- and narrow-cast markets. Emblaze Group's stock rose about 7.32 percent today.

Emblaze did not respond to requests for more information prior to publication time.


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