Wednesday, March 26 2025

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What is Vaestro?
Vaestro is audio forum software that you can use on your web site for free. Talk to your friends, host interactive podcasts, or use it like an audio blog. Use it anytime you need to communicate with groups of people small or large. With Vaestro, everyone has a chance to speak and be heard. Our software is built to solve many problems with other methods of communication. In fact, it is built to become a new paradigm in mass media.

What common group communication problems does the Vaestro software solve?

Timing. Ever have trouble getting everyone on the phone or at the same place at the same time for a meeting? With Vaestro, timing doesn't matter. When you get to the discussion, you listen to the discussion and you contribute on your own time. If you miss the first 10 just catch up by listening to it.

Memory. What did Joe say last week during that meeting? On Vaestro, you never have to ask that question. Just go back and listen to what Joe said again.

Opportunity. If you are in a meeting with more then 3 people, then suddenly the opportunity to speak your peace diminishes. People have things to say but don't have the chance to say it- or they are cut off and forced to end their statements without getting the message across. Vaestro solves this problem for any size group of people whether it is 5 or 5000. You have something to say, just say it..take as long as you want. Every voice is heard on Vaestro.

Voice! It is often said that about 80% of communication is non-verbal. A lot of meaning, feeling, and substance is lost when we only communicate over email and text based message boards. If you know a person only through text you really know them? Vaestro is all about voice communication because the priority is not the quantity of information that get's exchanged between people, it is about the quality of that communication.

Time. Communication takes time. Communication with voice takes a lot more time then text. Fortunately, the Vaestro software has features to help save time. For example are you ever in a meeting or a teleconference and someone is talking too much or too long? Do you ever wish you could just click "Next" and move on to the next speaker? Well, on Vaestro you can. As we have more and more group discussions with upwards of 50 people, this will prove invaluable to your Vaestro experience.

How is Vaestro a new paradigm in mass media.

Well, this is a big question. But the short answer is this:

Mass media today is controlled by a few people with lots of money. The people with the money control the content. So who decides who get's to speak on the radio or the television and have their voice heard by millions of people? Answer: the people who own the medium, the people with the money. Vaestro is built to become a more democratic form of mass media. On Vaestro, anyone can speak and be heard. You decide what issues are important. You also decide how best to manage the medium. You can participate on existing channels or create your own and run it as you see fit. And most importantly, our mass medium is not a one way experience. The audience at any time can participate and have their voice heard too.

What are Vaestro Channels?
A Vaestro Channel can be thought of as a voice message board. (But we like to think of a channel as an interactive voice driven web site.) Each channel is self contained and under the total control of the person who creates the channel. The person who creates the channel is the Channel owner.

Who can create a channel?
Anyone can register with Vaestro and create their own Vaestro Voice Channel. Each Voice channel is a self contained space where you and your community make the rules and operate the channel.

What powers does the Channel administrator have?

Create and modify the forums in the channel. You can have as many forums as you want.

Moderate discussions. The Administrator can delete posts from discussions for any reason. Each administrator decides their own standards for how their channel conversations will work.
How do all these Channels fit together?
Each Channel is a node in the Vaestro Voice Network. We like to think of it as an audio web. The front page of Vaestro is the entrance to this web very much like Yahoo in the early days of the Internet.

What is the purpose of Vaestro?
Vaestro exists to improve communication. It is the brainchild of Matthew Ready, a computer geek, amateur philosopher, writer, father, and now CEO of a spunky new company. Vaestro, LLC is a shoe string startup that aims to transform mass media as it is known today.

More info here

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