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Nokia N810 Internet Tablet gains remote media player

A San Francisco-based startup selling media-sharing software for home PCs and mobile devices has ported its flagship application to Nokia's Linux-based Internet tablet. Webot says its "Webot" software lets Nokia's WiFi-connected N8x0 Internet Tablets render music or photos stored on remote Linux, Windows, or Mac PCs.

Webot's software aims to let users of portable devices access their content from "anywhere." The software is available for Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch, as well as for desktops running Linux, Windows, or Mac OS X.

The Webot software lets users specify which folder(s) to make remotely available. It also apparently integrates streaming software, or else possibly software agents that upload shared resources to an Internet-based storage service such as Amazon's S3.

Webot said it adapted its software's interface for the N810's 800x480 WVGA display. The version for the Nokia device offers remote MP3 playback and photo sharing, along with automatically updated digital picture frame capabilities, and photo album sharing.

Webot's music and photo interfaces for the Nokia N8xx tablets

Webot's music and photo interfaces for desktops

Orb Networks earlier offered a similar product for the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet model. It's MyCasting software and service are aimed at letting registered users access personal media from anywhere the N800 can connect.


Webot for the Nokia N810 is available now at the Webot site, as well as on Nokia's featured download page. It should also support N800s that have been upgraded to Tablet OS 2008. Pricing was not disclosed.


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