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Opera Mini Server has been upgraded

- Added a simple UI to the server-side preferences that exists. Go to 'opera:config' to configure some settings.
- Tweaked phonenumber detection, there should be somewhat fewer false positives now, but you can now also disable the feature on the opera:config page.
- Increased the default timeouts to 40 seconds from 20.
- Updated to a HTML rendering engine to be similar to the latest Opera 9.5 weekly release.
- Fixed support for entering hostnames starting with a number (eg, 360.yahoo.com) as a URL without the starting http://
- Made content folds visible even when the background is black.
- Fixed inter-page links ().
- Fixed clipping rectangle for iframes with hidden overflow css properties, this bug caused some links inside some iframes to be unclickable.

- Fixed HTTP basic auth for pages with non-7bit authentication realm.
- Pages with nested a tags are now somewhat easier to navigate (Link 1 Link 2), it's now possible to follow both the inner and the outer link.
- New WML stylesheet.
- Various optimizations resulting in the average transcoding time to be 20% lower.

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