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Acer buys out E-Ten – what next?

Mobile-review posted an article discussing the recent Acer purchase of E-Ten. Here is the bottom line.

Bottom line
It is a tad too early to make final conclusions on the future E-Ten, as we’ll need to wait some time before assessing the maker’s first steps in the new environment. However the big picture doesn’t look very good for E-Ten. No doubt, they were moving towards a dead end, thriving on one particular market, but, on the other hand, given their measly sales, this path gave them the freedom to look for a way to set their European sales straight. Being a small manufacturer surely brought some benefits for E-Ten, specifically the ability to react and address for even the slightest changes of the market’s tendencies in very short periods of time. The lack of large-scale production also helped E-Ten to launch new offerings faster than the competition.

But with this acquisition E-Ten loses its major trump card – flexibility; the thing is, being a part of Acer they will need to kick their sales and revenue up, since these days the income they generate won’t make any the difference for a company as big as Acer – eventually their management will insist on looking for new revenue opportunities. So we can only hope that Glofiish won’t die off after teaming up with Acer and will keep progressing in spite of all holdups and trouble they are in now.

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