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NGMN Conference at CeBIT 2008 looks ahead towards a Bright Future of Mobile Broadband Communications

This year’s CeBIT trade fair featured a half-day Conference of theinternational Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance (NGMN) held at the Convention Centre. Five renownedleaders of the mobile industry provided a vivid outlook into the future of mobile broadband communications,currently one of the hottest topics in the mobile and internet industry.

In his key note speech, Hamid Akhavan (Chairman of the NGMN Board and CEO, T-Mobile International),outlined the great potential of mobile broadband as well as key challenges and objectives. “Mobile broadbandis a reality today in many markets,” Akhavan said. “The mobile data traffic is growing rapidly as peopleincreasingly mobilize their personal, social, and working lives. The NGMN Alliance has been established byleading mobile operators to drive the development and to ensure the success of the mobile broadbandecosystem. NGMN will provide a true mobile internet experience with personalization and attractive, easy touse devices and applications.”

Hartmut Kremling (CTO, Vodafone Germany) followed up on this by presenting the key success factors for nextgeneration mobile networks from an operator perspective. He pointed out: “Increasing network traffic loadbeyond Pentabytes/month and the demand for high data rates indicate a clear need for a step-change inspectrum and network technology. Spectrum - the blood of our industry - is a scarce resource. Sufficientspectrum allocation and efficient use is therefore essential for NGMN. The performance of LTE / MobileWiMAX is getting closer to the NGMN requirements; however, there is still a way to go. Most importantly,network deployment must be feasible on the existing 3G site grid, and transmission costs need to bedrastically reduced through advanced backhauling solutions.”

How advanced network technologies and architectures contribute to resolve the challenges of next generationmobile broadband, this was the emphasis of the speech from Matthias Reiß (Head of LTE Radio, NokiaSiemens Networks): “Reduced network cost per Megabyte is a clear prerequisite for maintaining theprofitability of mobile broadband networks,” Reiß said. “LTE/SAE offers an evolutionary network migrationpath enabling investment protection for operators and low network cost per Megabyte by flat architectures,optimized backhaul transmission, high spectral efficiency, and a scalable bandwidth. We are enthusiastic as“LTE live on Air” field trials carried out in Berlin have shown very encouraging performance results for LTEincluding the feasibility to deploy it on existing 3G sites.”

„Services are Key“, this was the key message from Dr. Jinsung Choi (Vice President Mobile Comms Tech, LGElectronics), who gave a lively impression of what customers can expect from future mobile broadband enduserdevices and applications. “It is very obvious that the convergence of mobile, fixed, internet, gaming andcomputing industries and applications drives the mobile broadband market growth,” Choi explained. “Drastichandset performance improvements will make the internet experience portable and more personalized. Twomajor trends will be the convergence of mobile-centric devices integrating many different functions and thedivergence of specialized application-centric devices. In either case, service personalization delivers lastingincremental value — increased revenues and customer loyalty,” he concluded.

Semiconductor technology and chip sets for end-user devices are critical enablers for any new and ever moredemanding mobile wireless technology. Fortunately, Bill Krenik (CTO, Texas Instruments) had good news forthe industry when he pointed out: “Whereas implementation of 3G terminal chip sets was a big challenge over2G, OFDM-based next generation mobile broadband technologies are much more manageable. Advancedsemiconductor process technology maximizes integration and minimizes cost. And integration drives featuresand functionality. The mobile future is bright. Chip sets for next generation include devices that will enable a10-fold application processing performance, 8+ hours of continuous video viewing, 100+ hours of music, andmuch more.”

If you would like to receive further information about upcoming NGMN Conferences or NGMN Alliance pleasecontact Marie-Luise Müller at +49 69 / 9 07 49 98-0 or

About NGMN Alliance
Next Generation Mobile Networks is an alliance founded by leading international network operators,representing more than half of all mobile phone users worldwide, to develop a coherent vision for the mobileindustry’s evolution beyond 3G. NGMN currently comprises 45 world-wide leading mobile operators,technology vendors and universities.

About T-Mobile International
T-Mobile International is one of the world’s leading companies in mobile communications. As one of DeutscheTelekom`s operational segments, T-Mobile concentrates on the most dynamic markets in Europe and theUnited States. Almost 120 million mobile customers were served by companies of the Deutsche Telekomgroup by end of 2007. The common technology platform is based on GSM, the world’s most successful digitalwireless standard. This also makes T-Mobile the only mobile communications provider with a seamlesstransatlantic service. T-Mobile also is partner of FreeMove, an alliance consisting of four of Europe’s leadingmobile companies - Orange, TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile) T-Mobile and TeliaSonera – to help their customerscommunicate as easily while travelling abroad as they do at home.

About Vodafone
Vodafone Germany is one of the largest and most modern telecommunications providers in Europe. It servesalmost 34 million customers, realises turnover of more than EUR 8 billion and has 9,000 employees. VodafoneGermany is an innovative technology and service enterprise, offering a comprehensive range of mobilecommunication services from one provider. The portfolio includes mobile communications and fixed networktelephony, as well as data services for business and private customers. Continuous development, numerouspatents and investments in new products, services and the modern network have made Vodafone aninnovation leader in the German telecommunications market. The company is headquartered in Düsseldorf.Eight branch offices and a chain of 1600 Vodafone shops keep us close to our customers. The VodafoneGermany group of companies also includes a majority shareholding in the Arcor telecommunications group,which is headquartered in Eschborn, Germany. Vodafone Germany is committed to CSR and it additionallysupports numerous projects through the German Vodafone Foundation. The company is part of the VodafoneGroup.

About Nokia Siemens Networks
Nokia Siemens Networks is a leading global enabler of communications services. The company provides acomplete, well-balanced product portfolio of mobile and fixed network infrastructure solutions and addressesthe growing demand for services with 20,000 service professionals worldwide. Nokia Siemens Networks isone of the largest telecommunications infrastructure companies with operations in 150 countries. Thecompany is headquartered in Espoo, Finland.

About LG Electronics
LG Electronics, Inc. (KSE: 066570.KS) is a global leader and technology innovator in consumer electronics,home appliances and mobile communications, employing more than 82,000 people working in over 110operations including 81 subsidiaries around the world. With 2007 global sales of USD 44 billion, LG iscomprised of four business units - Mobile Communications, Digital Appliance, Digital Display and DigitalMedia. LG is the world’s leading producer of mobile handsets, flat panel TVs, air conditioners, front-loadingwashing machines, optical storage products, DVD players and home theater systems.LG Electronics Mobile Communication Company (LG) is a leading producer of mobile handsets. LG createshandsets that provide optimized mobile experience to customers around the world with its cutting-edgetechnology and innovative handset design capabilities. With advanced wireless solutions, LG is rapidlyexpanding its presence and market share globally

About Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments (NYSE: TXN) helps customers solve problems and develop new electronics that make theworld smarter, healthier, safer, greener and more fun. A global semiconductor company, TI innovates throughmanufacturing, design and sales operations in more than 25 countries.'

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