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Windows Mobile 6.1 – almost 6

Mobile-review have posted an interesting article about Windows Mobile 6.1. Here is the bottom line.

Bottom line
Even after having a glimpse of the updated OS, Windows Mobile 6.1, we can’t get rid of the “deja vu” feeling, as about a year ago, our verdict on its predecessor was pretty much the same – the system delivered only a couple of minor changes and that was about it.

But in this case, such attitude wouldn’t be appropriate – after all, it is not a new OS, but rather an update to the existing version 6. Furthermore, this upgrade is pretty minor, based on what index it has been given (WM 6.1). But this cannot justify Microsoft’s current policy on is mobile OS – the approach when they add a couple of visual enhancements and introduce several changes to the core functionality, without bothering about something more fundamental, can no longer guarantee them success. In fact, Microsoft has a lot of things to do and a ton of improvements to make in its current OS version, otherwise, the amount of work the developers will face with Windows Mobile 7 will be overwhelming, as all these tweaks are terribly overdue.

On balance, Windows Mobile 6.1 is still the same old version 6, but with another digit threw in after the dot. And that’s about it. The only visible and helpful change comes in the form of threaded SMS messages, while all other additions are rather an attempt to make version 6.1 look like a real update. If you are wondering whether it is worth switching to WM 6.1 when official upgrades arrive, then rest assured, it’s not, unless you are thrilled by the iPhone-esque feature for your messages.

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