Sunday, March 16 2025

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Ericsson berta

Ericsson first with 4G-mobil

a deliberation from mobile to mobile with next generation's mobile nets, LTE. It says itself Ericsson now to last firstly in the world with showing. The mobile is called Berta.

The samples were done with the mobile+telephone Berta

Ericsson demonstrates LTE-samtalen the wide mobile trade fair in Barcelona.

LTE is the technology that will take over after 3g and turbo-3g. It is called sometimes for 4g, but formal lies such a standard farther forward, sow therefore is used the often concept 3,9g or super-3g.

Forts will it go. Ericsson reported recently about speed record on over 300 megabit/s in labbmiljö. In the reality, it goes as common very slower, at least than so long.

- we reach already now speeds on 25 megabit/s in upplänk and nerlänk, Robert says Puskaric, manager for Ericsson mobile Platforms that does the technology on protoyptelefonen “Berta” that is used the wide demonstration in Barcelona.

Proofs during the year
- proofs of our first LTE-plattform will be available during 2008, Robert says Puskaric.

LTE according to Ericsson will be used to mobile video, bloggande, sophisticated playing, multimediatelefoni and different services for trade people.

The wide mobile trade fair in Barcelona presented Ericsson also a new series basis stations, RBS 6000, that copes with both gsm/curse give, 3g/turbo-3g (hspa) and LTE.

The basis stations are according to Ericsson 25 percents smaller than earlier models, despite that they have doubley so big capacity. They have also between 20 and 65 percents lower power consumption.


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