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Motorola U9 x Blyth special edition

MOTO U9 sent heart-shaped box

At the end of March launch of the MOTO U9, although the first batch of pink in the fuselage, and pushed the black body, but so far suggested retail price has not yet been lowered. However, earlier MOTO side for the U9 introduced Blythe suit, especially given the customers to buy U9. In this U9 x Blythe of the package, including Blythe big eyes of the doll bracelet, mobile phone sets, mobile phones can be brought to justice and five mobile phones Rope deduction in the small accessories, is quite attractive. According to the phone shop staff said, because these U9 x Blythe small in number, are now only a small amount of inventory, so we should be interested to see a major mobile phone shop.

Price: $ 1,980

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