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The GSMA, the global body for the mobile industry, has completed successful trials of voice calls based on the SIP-I protocol1 between core networks supplied by Ericsson and Nokia Siemens Networks. Hosted by TeliaSonera in their Finnish and Swedish laboratories, the trials are a significant step towards the use of SIP-I to control the transmission of packet-based voice between mobile networks.

The GSMA recommends that mobile operators adopt SIP-I, which is widely used by fixed network operators and transit networks, to control the transmission of packetbased voice between mobile networks. Using SIP-I will typically involve less transcoding and provide a higher-quality of service than other protocols, while making it easier for mobile operators to achieve end-to-end call control and upgrade their networks in future.

The SIP-I trials form part of the GSMA's IPX initiative to develop a private global Internet Protocol (IP) backbone designed specifically to provide guaranteed levels of quality of service and security to customers of mobile operators and other service providers.

“SIP-I is the protocol of choice for mobile and fixed operators alike and is an important element of the GSMA’s strategy to help mobile operators migrate their networks to IP,” said Alex Sinclair, Chief Technology Officer of the GSMA. “With the help of Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks and TeliaSonera, we have demonstrated that SIP-I can work well across networks supplied by different vendors.”

The GSMA trials were the first to test the SIP-I interoperability of Nokia Siemens Networks and Ericsson mobile softswitches, which connect calls from one device to another. The GSMA plans to conduct further trials to advance the level of interoperability of SIP-I.

Supporting Quotes
”SIP-I interoperability is a key enabler to ensure the deployment of IPX-based interconnection. IPX ensures security and quality of IP-based interconnection of mass-market communication services. TeliaSonera Mobility Services sees a clear need for SIP-I interoperability, both internally and when interconnecting with other service providers.” Claes Nycander, Vice President, Common Development, TeliaSonera Mobility Services

"The international interconnect using SIP-I/IP technology will save up to 70% of the bandwidth and reduce transcoding, reducing cost and increasing speech quality. Ericsson supports this evolution in 3GPP and the GSMA's work to extend the benefits of Mobile Softswitch into international IP interconnect." Martin Wiktorin, Director Mobile Switching at Ericsson

"At Nokia Siemens Networks we are fully committed to boosting the efficiency of operators' networks, and we see SIP-I as crucial to this goal. These trials have conclusively demonstrated the maturity and benefits of SIP-I and how it can contribute to network simplicity and cost savings in the evolution towards IP." Michael Clever, Head of Next Generation Voice and Multimedia at Nokia Siemens Networks

About the GSMA
The GSM Association (GSMA) is the global trade association representing more than 750 GSM mobile phone operators across 218 countries and territories of the world. The Association's members represent more than 3 billion GSM and 3GSM connections - over 86% of the world's mobile phone connections. In addition, more than 200 manufacturers and suppliers support the Association's initiatives as key partners.

The primary goals of the GSMA are to ensure mobile phones and wireless services work globally and are easily accessible, enhancing their value to individual customers and national economies, while creating new business opportunities for operators and their suppliers.

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