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AdMob assessed the global market of mobile browsers

The company AdMob held in July, market research mobile browsers. Analysts identify what browsers for mobile devices are the most popular throughout the world in general and in different regions separately. It appeared that the undisputed leaders in this field are embedded browser mobile phones Nokia, and Openwave, working, mainly in vehicles Motorola.

The main findings of the study AdMob:

34% took on the world market of mobile browser company Nokia (in Asia and Africa's share even higher).
With a small gap, took second place Openwave - 29% in the world market for mobile browsers. The maximum bandwidth of the browser - with models RAZR and KRZR in the United States.
Third place at the browser Access Netfront, its market share is 12%, mainly, his popularity high in Europe, the maximum traffic - from Sony Ericsson phones
Opera Mini ranked fourth - 7%. For the most part, this browser is used on smartphones, but most often - on the Nokia N70.
Other browsers, including Teleca Obigo, Microsoft Mobile, Safari, Palm and Blackberry - occupy less than 5% in the world market for mobile browsers.

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