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Following today's news of a possible Google-Verizon Wireless collaboration on mobile search, Nielsen is pleased to provide you with insights from our proprietary Mobile Search Report:

- Nielsen estimates that at least 50 million US mobile subscribers search for things using their phone

- Mobile searchers users still rely on their operator's deck for mobile search. 13.1 million mobile users say they navigate to search through their carrier portal and 8.2 million say they use a search box branded

by their carrier

- Today, SMS search is as popular as these carrier deck methods: 13.1 million mobile data users search for things using SMS text search services such as Google SMS and 4INFO

Yes, but how do VERIZON WIRELESS customers use search?

- Verizon Wireless subscribers make up 26 percent of the active mobile search market

- Among Verizon Wireless data users

* 36 percent of Verizon data users use some mobile search

functionality, including 411 services such as 1-800-GOOG-411

* 16 percent of Verizon data users still use 411 functionality

* 11 percent of Verizon data users use the carrier's portal to

navigate to search

* 9 percent of Verizon data users go off deck, to the Mobile Web to


* 9 percent of Verizon data users use SMS text-message search


* 6 percent of Verizon data users search through a branded carrier


And how does GOOGLE do, overall, in mobile search?

- Though Yahoo! has the leading brand position in overall mobile Web use, Google has been a powerhouse in mobile search

* 61 percent of mobile Internet searchers say they primarily use

Google, ahead of Yahoo! which can claim 18 percent of mobile


* 40 percent of SMS searchers say they primarily use Google, ahead

of Yahoo, which can claim 27 percent of SMS searchers

All data - Source: Nielsen Mobile

About Nielsen Mobile

Nielsen Mobile, a service of The Nielsen Company, is the world's largest independent provider of syndicated consumer research to the telecom and mobile media markets. Nielsen Mobile focuses exclusively on tracking the behavior, attitudes and experiences of mobile consumers; their reports also provide up to seven years of data on internet, video, gaming, audio and advertising trends for mobile phone users. Nielsen’s technology-driven research provides unique and holistic insight into how mobile customers use their devices and what they think about brands, devices and services. For more information, please visit www.nielsenmobile.com.

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