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Huawei occupies the 1st place in a quantity of products, certified along the system Of wave 2

The company Of huawei Of technologies reported obtaining of three certificates Of wave 2, given out by the forum Of wiMAX to the newest base stations Of wiMAX DBS3900 and to two forms of new terminal equipment, BM325 and BM625 on the base of the standard Of wiMAX 802.16e.

The basis DBS3900 Of wiMAX Of huawei is the convergent platform of the base stations of the last generation Of huawei (LGBS), which is past testing in the passband of 5 M[bit]/[s] and 10 M[bit]/[s] along the newest system of the tests Of wave2 and CRS2.5.0, ensures the greatest number of options and higher flexibility during the development of the mobile networks Of wiMAX. This platform permits implementation of a plural input and an output (IO-MIMO), increasing coating, the speed of transmission of data and reliability with the simultaneous transfer and the reception of the data through several antennas. Thus, DBS3900 Of wiMAX considerably reduces the capital and operational expenditures of operators.

The possibilities of the use of the services of wide-band access give the end users of the solution OF BM325 and BM625. Both forms of production are certified along a system Of wave 2.

Strict certification tests Of wave2 were conducted in the main laboratory of the forum Of wiMAX, belonging company AT4 of wireless. This system of certification includes the last version of the standards Of wiMAX, released by the forum Of wiMAX and oriented to an increase in the effectiveness in the work of equipment WiMAX. The solutions, which received the appropriate documentation, can interact with the points of access and the devices Of wiMAX of other suppliers, who also underwent analogous tests.

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