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Market research WiMAX in Russia

The main trend in the market of wireless broadband access in 2007 and early 2008, according to J & P, - this is his preparation for the emergence of WiMAX-networks in providing mobile services to large numbers of users. There are pilot projects for WiMAX-equipment, which require imperceptible transition to mobile WiMAX. Major projects WiMAX concentrated in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities with high population density. Given the relatively small investment in the deployment of full-fledged networks of urban-million, the availability of advanced channel infrastructure and growing demand for Internet access, most projects WiMAX «starts» in major cities, but the situation is gradually changing. An example of this can serve as connecting rural schools in the National project «Education», connecting sites collect telemetric information, departmental and corporate networks, etc.

It is estimated J'son & Partners, in Russia at the end of 2007 there were approximately 6 thousand abonentov1 fixed WiMAX. By the end of 2008 it is expected that the subscriber base will grow at 6.5 times and is about 40 thousand customers.

The development of the market of fixed WiMAX is happening in all districts of Russia, the main focus of subscribers (60%) are in Russia, St. Petersburg and Moscow. It is estimated J'son & Partners, 67% subscriber base of fixed WiMAX is in the regions.

Compared with the 2007 Year of forces in several districts has changed. Late last year, about 20% of the market occupied Siberia and Central (excluding Moscow) district in 1H 2008 their combined share was 18%. 5% and 6% of the market accounted for the Far East and the Urals district, respectively, and 2% - Southern District. This year the Urals Federal District also took a 6% of the total subscriber base, while the share of the Far Eastern and Southern districts increased by 1% and 4% respectively. Northwest Federal District (without St. Petersburg) in 1H 2008 is 4%.

Shares of regions in the subscriber base of fixed WiMAX, 1H 2008

The growth of market revenue associated with the growth of subscriber base, which increased by the emergence of new companies in the market of fixed WiMAX, competitive rates and an increase in territory coverage.

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