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RIM looking to outsource production in Asia Pacific

Research in Motion (RIM), in addition to outsourcing production of its BlackBerry smartphones to the leading EMS firms in the US, Mexico and the Middle East, is also seeking the opportunity to subcontract production in the Asia-Pacific region, according to Norm Lo, vice president for Asia-Pacific at RIM.

Despite growing concerns of a slowdown of the global handset market in 2009, RIM is positioned in the fastest growth segment of the industry and therefore the company will continue to expand its outsourcing, Lo asserted.

In addition to outsourcing production to Finland-based Elcoteq, RIM is currently also cooperating with China-based TCL, according to market sources.

As of the end of August 2008, RIM had a total of 19 million users worldwide, said Lo, who also noted that sales of BlackBerry handsets exceeded six million units in the third quarter of this year.

Through cooperation with Vodafone and Verizon Wireless, sales of RIM's BlackBerry Storm have been strong, Lo claimed, adding that the company will continue to cooperate with Vodafone to launch the BlackBerry Storm in India, Australia and New Zealand.


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