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At one site Expocentr «Expocentr», held two important events in the field of navigation systems, technologies and services

Visit 12-15 May 2009 in Moscow Expocentr «Expocentr», will take part in the international project «Navigation systems, technologies and services», which combined, according to its organizers, the two main events:

• 3rd International Forum on Satellite Navigation
• International exhibition «Navigation systems, technologies and services» - «NAVITEH-EXPO-2009».
Organizers of the project - Expocentr «Expocentr» and the company «Professional conferences» with the support of the Association of GLONASS / GNSS-Forum, as well as other leading organizations responsible for the development of navigation technologies in Russia.

International Forum on Satellite Navigation - an annual event and is a central event of the year in commercial use of satellite navigation technology, and, above all, the Russian navigation system GLONASS, in various sectors of the economy of our country.

The main objective of the Forum - the presentation of innovative technologies in the field of satellite navigation, a wide range of Russian and foreign experts. Particular attention is paid to the Forum of Russian Global Navigation Satellite System «GLONASS» and various aspects related to its use, both in Russia and abroad.

Exhibitors Exhibition «NAVITEH-EXPO-2009» - leading Russian and foreign developers and manufacturers of navigation equipment and software, including mapping applications. The exhibition will reflect the benefits of using navigation technologies and services in various sectors of the economy and business.

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