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Alcatel will release Lego phone for kids

At the beginning of the year and the Lego Digital Blue have announced that are going to create a series of Lego-based electronics for children under the brand name Lego. The line, planned for release in summer, will contain a digital camera, portable radio and MP3-player. These toys will look as if they were assembled from parts lego. The cost of such toys will be low, ranging from 20 to 60 dollars.

Moreover, as it became known today, is preparing a mobile phone Alcatel "Lego phone" which is also aimed at children. Lego-phone will consist of a base module to display with the simple functionality and additional panelek. And, although a series of modular applications can be used in the design, the most likely to be limited to producing only the back with variations of color, while the functionality of the phone will not change. It was expected that "Lego phone" Alcatel will be demonstrated at Mobile World Congress.

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