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Quest on Nokia: Find your Nokia N97

The company Nokia has announced the beginning of an unusual quest, which awaits the winner of a mobile computer Nokia N97. Partners in this quest has become the newspaper F5. To win a Nokia N97 you want to reply to a question about Nokia, the creators of one of the Nokia N97, solve rebus, as well as to monitor newspaper F5, and the longest day of the year to find a «guardian of Nokia N97», which will wait for searchers in Moscow, at the the square in front of the main entrance to Gorky ЦПКиО in 22.00.

Find Custodian «Nokia N97 is not enough, you'll need to submit it to 3 key, so there are three answers, cut from newspapers F5. The first 2 answer key can be found in the release of F5 June 15, 2 easy to guess riddles.
1.Esche not knowing that the company will become the slogan «connecting people», Nokia at the beginning of its history it has produced this material allows a person to express themselves. (one word)
Nokia 2.Dizaynery usually known only to the world of design and design studios Nokia. But if you can find in the Internet video on how to create Nokia N97, then know that the designer of Nokia N97 was just the man. (name)

We need to cut out these answers and wait for the next release of F5 (June 22). The third key issue would be to F5 on June 22: solve rebus and cut it together in the correct answer.

It was June 22, curator of Nokia N97 will wait for participants quest. Having collected all the keys you need to arrive at 22.00 to the main entrance to Gorky ЦПКиО and Custodian of the first to find and present him the keys. If all keys are correct, the Nokia N97 - you.

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