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Sprint is preparing its version of HTC Hero and Android-smartphone Samsung network CDMA / WiMax

Resource PhoneNews said, referring to informed sources, the American operator Sprint is already testing a new smartphone HTC Hero operating system Android. It was announced just a few days ago, HTC Hero is a fairly functional besklaviaturny single touch screen. Among its features - 3.2-inch display, 5 MP camera, GPS-receiver, accelerometer, digital compass and wireless adapters. Obviously, Sprint will be issued separately changed to networks CDMA.

The same source reported that the operator Sprint is also preparing to release a smartphone based on the platform Android, designed by Samsung. This unusual device that works in the networks of CDMA, and WiMax. Previously, the company Sprint has already indicated his intention to release such a product in the 2009-2010 year. So far, about its characteristics are unknown.

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