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Ballmer acknowledged the failure of the Windows Mobile 7

The network has penetrated the head of a frank statement of Microsoft Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer) at the new operating system Windows Mobile 7. At the Summit Venture Capital Summit, he was careless enough to mention that Microsoft has suffered a setback with Windows Mobile. At least, so says another visitor of the same event Dzhozefak Paul (Paul Jozefak) in his blog Twitter.

According to Steve Ballmer, it was assumed that to date the operating system is Windows Mobile 7 is released. But due to the fact that the developers have worked not so, as we would like, there was a delay. As a result, Microsoft had to almost completely change the composition of the team. According to Ballmer, "this will not happen again." It is worth noting that the head of Microsoft statement on the failure of Windows Mobile may well adversely affect the reputation of the company. Perhaps it was not intended for the general public, but now dispersed to many Internet resources.

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