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Symbian ^ 3: a number of new features, including multi-touch, NFC and recognition of music

There were further details about what innovations will be the operating system Symbian ^ 3. About them told Pelo Victor (Victor Palau) - developer of Symbian Foundation. Some of the data already known from the Capital Markets Day, others - new. It should also be noted that smartphones based on Symbian ^ 3 will go on sale, tentatively, in the spring and summer of 2010. And by the end of the next or the beginning of 2011 to market the device has come out with Symbian ^ 4. We remind that the company has already announced that starting from this version for Symbian will not be backward compatible with modern platform S60.

New Symbian ^ 3:
• Support for multiple desktops
• Manage multi-touch display and support for capacitive
• The speed of the interface will increase three-fold
• Integration with the platform QT 4.6
• Support Profile Bluetooth AVRCP 1.4 (remote control music player)
• recognition function of music by a fragment
• Integration of online music store with radio application
• Support for CalDAV calendars
• Supports HD-video and HDMI
• Supports contactless communication NFC (Near Field Communication)
• More convenient and simple management

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