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"Green" phone for Nokia working on sugar

Chinese engineer-designer Daytszi Zhen (Daizi Zheng), developing a client project for eco-phone company Nokia, has found that one of the most challenging moments for modern mobile devices is the battery. The battery is quite complicated and expensive to manufacture, and for "green" phone is the most "dirty" part. Therefore, in its concept Nokia 'green'phone he decided to abandon the traditional power source, alkaline battery and replacing it with a fuel cell that runs on hydrocarbons. More precisely, at the moment, work is needed to sugars and enzymes as a catalyst.

That is, for its work Nokia 'green'phone, consume any liquid containing sugar. The result is purified water and hydrogen. And to ensure that the apparatus must be earned in a special container to pour some sweet drink, whether it is Coca-Cola, or just sweet tea. However, according to Daytszi Zhenya, his phone may work out 3-4 times longer than similar, using the energy of conventional batteries.

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