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The Mts- Ukraine sequential reduces prices of the 3G- modems

The operator of mobile connection company the Mts- Ukraine declared about significant reduction in the prices of the modems “of MTS Of [konnekt] 3G”.

Price of the modems Of any-Data, ZTE, Axesstel and C-motech for the use of the service “of MTS Of [konnekt] 3G” on the conditions of contract connection is from 1 to 650 [grn]. (1$~7,9 of [grn]) depending on the selected tariff. Let us recall that the previously upper price lath composed 880 [grn].

A decrease is produced, from the words of operator, within the framework the program MTS, directed toward an increase in the accessibility of popular services to company, in particular - Internet access along wireless data links of the technology of the third generation.

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