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Open Source Software for Automation and Other Industries

Once upon a time, a project manager ...

Project Manager: "We need to get someone to develop a Linux driver for our new machine controller. Here's a purchase order for the work."
Purchase Department: "Okay. Let me check the purchase order to make sure it follows our standard procedure: NDA to be executed, source going into company's safe ... "
Project Manager: "Nope, we're going with Open Source - source gets published to the Internet."
Purchase Department: "What? We're paying for the development but the source code goes out to the Internet? If everybody can use the source code, why are we the only ones paying for this? No way this can fly!"
The solution

Open Source is a way to get a broader community to help with development and to share in its costs. OSADL allows those members interested in developing particular Open Source software to come together in an OSADL project supported by membership fees. With the agreement of a majority of members, OSADL can delegate the development of Open Source software components. Thus, what is (financially) impossible for the individual (company), many (OSADL members) can do.Read who said such famous words

* Implement realtime capabilities of the mainline Linux kernel Realtime Linux KernelRealtime Linux Kernel, provide Test Rackprofessional quality assurance, take care of regular releases of Realtime Linux Kernelstable versions and organize Realtime Linux Kernelworkshops on Realtime Linux.
* Prepare mechanisms to allow for the certification of the Linux kernel Safety Critical LinuxSafety Critical Linux
* Tweak existing off-tree drivers for inclusion into the mainline Linux kernel Upstream SubmissionUpstream Submission
* Define minimal requirements of board support packages, install a testing laboratory and certify the conformance of computer boards with these requirements Board Support PackagesBoard Support Packages
* Port the Xenomai Real-Time Framework for Linux to native Linux Xenomai/SOLOXenomai/SOLO
* Provide a compatibility layer to use RTDM-based drivers under RT-Preempt RTDM RTDM-native
* "Immediate C": Develop PLC-like control applications in (extended) C language FAPI Immediate C
* Develop a stand-alone trigger generator and long-term digital time delay recorder and make it available on loan Latency Box OSADL Latency Measurement Box
* Support the development of the kvm module in such a way that running a guest system does not interfere with the realtime capabilities of the host system kvm Realtime-kvm
* Define a universal framework to access fieldbus devices from the application level FAPI FAPI
* Provide support for real-time Ethernet boards to the Linux kernel Real-time EthernetReal-time Ethernet
* Add realtime Linux support for Coldfire (68knommu) to RT-Preempt Coldfire Coldfire

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