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Unique: high(ly)-class telephone from Versace

The fashionable house Of versace in the partnership with the companies Of modeLabs and lg presented cell phone under our own brand. Model is called Unique, it will be put on the market in the following month. Device appears very effectively: it is concluded in the housing of rectangular form, made from ceramics and finished by 18-[karatnym] yellow gold or by the stainless steel. The back of housing is covered with the skin, produced by hand, on it is depicted the logotype Of versace.

Unique is equipped with the 3-inch sensory display, covered with durable sapphire glass. Telephone supports the honeycomb connection of the third generation, is equipped with [mediapleerom] 5-[Mp] by camera with the flash. In addition to this, he uses technology of the volumetric sound Of dolby Of mobile. According to the executive director of the company Of versace, Unique - this is not only innovation product from the point of view of technologies; also it is high(ly)-class fashionable accessory. Apparatus will be accessible in several color performances, including black, brown, violet and gray. Its cost will compose from 5 500 to 15 000 Euros.

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