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The wide-band Internet Beeline left to the Crimea

Ukrainian telecommunication operator Beeline [soobshchail] about the starting of the service of wide-band Internet access on the technology FTTB (“optics into each house”) in Sevastopol city, which will become the first city in the territory AR the Crimea, whose inhabitants can be connected to the wide-band Internet (service “Beeline the Internet house”).

At present in Sevastopol the fiber-optic network Of beeline covers about 150 many-storeyed habitable buildings, where more than 12 thousand apartments are located. The high-speed Internet is technically accessible for the connection of subscribers in the Leninist region (the rest of Admiral it is switch). In May - June of the present year in the Leninist region will be also connected to the network habitable buildings in [Gelovani] ul region. Thus, to the total number “[internetizirovannykh]” buildings Of beeline it will add even more than 250 many-storeyed houses (more than 22 thousand apartments).

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