Tuesday, March 18 2025

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“DATA+”: digital maps RF - on the demands of enterprises

The company “DATA+”, which is the supplier of technologies, products and solutions for creating the geo-information systems (GIS), represented, as it asserts, the not having analogs on the Russian market cartographic service “any digital map RF”. With the aid of this service the enterprise can obtain topographic maps and plans of territories and populated areas RF in the convenient digital size. Also customer obtains the complete packet of permissive documentation for the intra-corporate use of cartographic information or its publication into the Internet. Thus, within the framework united service Russian users for the first time became accessible the open cartographic materials of state cartographic-geodetic fund, completely finished for the use in contemporary GIS (ArcGIS, Map Of info and other).

The key advantage of service “any digital map RF” with obtaining of permissive documentation company “DATA+” connected with the fact that comes out as the united center, critical for interaction with all authorized departments and structures. The fact is that at present normative base prescribes the cooperation of the recipient of maps with the local departments of cartographic service RF - in each inquired territory. Moreover even with the error-free filling of source documents each such procedure occupies to two months. Service “any digital map RF” not only frees customer from the participation in this process, but also considerably accelerates obtaining result, t to interaction with all power structures they are carried out “BY DATA+” in parallel.

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