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MTS makes tariff “MTS without the completion Kiev” two times more advantageous

The operator of mobile connection “MTS the Ukraine” declared about an improvement in the conditions of tariff “super- MTS without the completion Kiev”. Since July 1, 2010 the conditions of this tariff of steel, from the words of operator, are twice more advantageous. Now the size of the daily addition of free minutes for the bells inside the network without the required completion is increased more than two - from 33 to 70 minutes. In addition to this, the price of the bells to the subscribers of other operators of connection is reduced doubly - from 1,00 [grn]. to 0,50 [grn]. (1$~7,9 of [grn].) in the minute. Thus, the users of tariff obtain 2100 free minutes for the intra-net bells for a period of 30 days without the required completion and decreased two times tariffs on all the remaining bells in the limits of the Ukraine.

For the users of the mobile Internet appeared the possibility of the order of the service “of 1[kop]=1[MB]”, which makes it possible to obtain the packet of traffic with a volume of 1600 mb. for 8 10 kopecks. Period of the action of packet - 80 days, on 20 mb. during the day.

The existing subscribers “super- MTS without the completion Kiev” can free of charge pass into the [obnovlennyy] tariff through service- menu 7722. The special conditions of tariff, as earlier, act only in accomplishment of bells from Kiev or Kiev region.

Regional tariff “super- MTS without the completion Kiev” was introduced at the end 2009 for the inhabitants of Kiev and Kiev region. Tariff is characterized by the fact that for obtaining the free minutes for the bells inside the network to subscriber it is not compulsory to monthly supplement calculation.

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