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Maximise the quality of the Android™ games you develop for Xperia™ devices

Do you want to maximise the quality of the Android™ games that you develop for Xperia™ devices such as Xperia™ PLAY? Developer World has documented a core set of recommendations to keep in mind when developing Android games for Xperia™ devices. By following the recommendations, you can ensure a consistent level of quality in the games you develop for these devices.
The Xperia™ game developer recommendations page lists recommendations to keep in mind when developing Android games for Xperia™ devices and categorises them based on the area of game development to which they apply.
Application – These recommendations refer to specific behaviours of the game application. For example, recommendation AP4 says a game should not take longer than 2 seconds to start or for any game-related graphics to be rendered on the screen.
Audio – These recommendations refer to audio and volume control behaviour. For example, recommendation AU2 says the audio for a game should be adjustable or mutable by the user through an options or settings menu.
Display – These recommendations refer to the behaviour of the game’s on-screen text and graphics. For example, recommendation DS4 says the frame rate for a game should be as high as the screen allows, at least 30 frames per second at all times.
Input – These recommendations refer to how a game uses hardware keys and buttons. For example, recommendation IN5 says a game should query the possible hardware capabilities of the platform to check if they exist on the current device.
Lifecycle event -These recommendations refer to actual game play behaviour. For example, recommendation LE1 says if a game is running but minimized, it should not perform any heavy CPU activities and should unload resources from memory.
Packaging – These recommendations refer to how the game’s resource files should be packaged. For example, recommendation PK8 says the AndroidManifest.xml file should contain all parameters for a game, its distribution channel, device, and platform.
Save/Load – These recommendations refer to how games should save or load. For example, recommendation SL2 says encrypt sensitive data such as passwords.
Supplementing each recommendation in the list are explanatory notes and links to additional resources. For example, recommendation AP13: A download should automatically resume if the connection fails, is supplemented by the following note and link:
If a user is trying to download a game, and the device’s connection fails, the download should resume when the connection is restored. Read more about the Download Manager for additional reference.
Over time, Developer World plans to publish a series of tips that provide additional information for a specific recommendation, such as special considerations, examples, and links to relevant resources. In addition, you can find articles and tutorials that further supplement these recommendations. A good place to find this additional material is on the Xperia™ PLAY overview page. Check the page periodically to see what’s new and helpful in optimizing your Android games for Xperia™ devices such as Xperia™ PLAY.

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