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"Plus One" starts the service "operator MVNO turnkey

Today "Plus One" - the center of creation and development of virtual mobile operators (MVNO) - today announced the launch of the service "operator MVNO turnkey with no analogues in the Russian market. According to the company, this service is the first time allows specialized startup or existing company that has no experience in the telecommunications market, quickly and with minimal risk and financial costs of running and maintaining a virtual operator (MVNO, or Mobile Virtual Network Operator). Accordingly, the MVNO model first became attractive to a wide range of investors and market participants. Moreover, thanks to this service operator MVNO can actually be used as a new marketing tool that is effective and at the corporate and consumer markets.

Time of execution of this project from first contact to the "Plus One" before granting the new operator of mobile services is 3-6 months. The company "One Place" already has all the necessary licenses, shall cooperate with operators and supervisors, legal support for the project, organizes the production and delivery of SIM / RUIM-card, and provides the technical infrastructure partner. In turn, the partner of "Plus One" to generate a new MVNO operator can fully concentrate on the promotion of operator services under its own brand and other forms of work with the target audience.

Currently, there are different schemes of financing of projects carried out within "operator MVNO turnkey basis. One such scheme provides for full payment of the partner services "Plus One". In this case, commercial prospects, profitability, and risks of the project is fully under the responsibility of the partner. This is ideal for image projects that will not require the operator obtaining profits, as well as projects aimed at "closed" task forces, working with prospects who are entirely dependent on existing partner special opportunities to interact with them. Another scheme, designed for more traditional MVNO-project involves the division of profits between partners or by "Plus One".

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