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Motorola is working on the tablet 2 and Xoom chasofonom

Company Motorola, apparently, intends shortly to renew its line of products, including OS-based Android. In the leaked their image and brief information - the source could take pictures of pages from the site of Motorola, first time to light up in the network.

It is reported that soon will be submitted to the tablet - the successor of Motorola Xoom, smartphones Slimline, Zaha, Targa, and Pearl, as well as a rare while a device like a cell in the form of a wristwatch. Mention of the models were seen in the screenshots.

The new tablet may be called, for example Motorola Xoom 2, although it is not yet precisely known. New smartphones Slimline, Zaha differ little thick. True, more of them are not aware, the characteristics remain a mystery. The last new model called the Motorola Tracy XL, made in the form of a wristwatch. It remains only to wait for the details about the devices.

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