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"Beeline" expanded the coverage of 3G network in the North West at 50%

Operator VimpelCom ("Beeline" brand) announced the expansion of 3G coverage in the Northwest region to 50% during the I half of 2011. The number of base stations that support 3G, the North West over 60%. During the first half of 2011 in all eight branches of the company had exceeded the plans to build. By the end of this year, large-scale construction in the North West will continue, with the main attention will be focused on the development of third generation network in the Leningrad Oblast, Arkhangelsk and Kaliningrad - in recent 3G network coverage will be increased to 90%. Also, technical management continues to work on the network 2G. Its coverage and capacity characteristics are improved by 25% over 2011. Serious attention is paid to the development of the transport network to provide high speed data transfer on 2G and 3G-networks.

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