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HP Palm Pre 3 in the United States will not, but in Europe it will discount

After Hewlett-Packard Company reported that operating system webOS will no longer be used in its smartphones, thereby completely burying the legacy of the creators of "PDA" of Palm was followed by other steps to eliminate this "heritage". First of all it was a huge discount to the tablet TouchPad, which was immediately sold for $ 99 apiece. In Europe it is currently sold at the old price and officially on DISKONT not reported. But it is obvious that this situation will not last long. But with a smartphone HP Palm Pre 3 decided to do otherwise. In the U.S., this device does not appear on the market. All smart phones produced will be sent to Europe, where its price will be reduced to $ 99. It is expected soon on the markets of France, Germany and Britain, where the equivalent cost ceeve apparatus without binding to a specific operator. It is also worth noting that other companies were quick to take advantage of the inevitable fluctuations loyal to webOS programmers. Microsoft has offered software developers under this OS upgrade to Windows Phone on favorable terms. Programmers offers free development tools, and smart phones with this operating system, and various trainings and seminars. Same steps to rid the warehouse of devices webOS can be continued. Next in line HP Veer, if this unit will not be completely canceled or redirected to any single market.

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