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Vodafone may buy Research in Motion

Shares of Research in Motion two days lost in value, as among stock analysts spread the rumor that the owners of companies are looking for buyers for it. But then on Wednesday the cost soared by 14%, after a morning of last day of an unknown source reported that the buyer of the company can make the British operator Vodafone. However, no evidence either from RIM, Vodafone nor representatives has been received. Rumors also that the company can be sold are stimulated by the fact that for several quarters manufacturer of BlackBerry smartphones can not reverse the negative trend in the decline in profits. C on the other hand a number of investors still impose considerable delay on the transition to a new operating system QNX, which can spur sales of smartphones BlackBerry. At the same time remains unclear situation with the actual sunken release tablets on the market, where device BlackBerry PlayBook sold very slowly, and brings no profit and loss. It is also worth noting that the launch of rumors about a possible sale may be involved representatives of the company RIM, which, after an informal announcement of the purchaser increased its capitalization.

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