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"Beeline" will help in the search for the missing

The mobile operator "Beeline" announced the launch of a partnership with the search-and-rescue team "LizaAlert." Volunteer search party "Liza Alert" - an association of volunteers, who in his spare time and personal affairs are searching for lost people: most of them children, the elderly and mushroom pickers. In 2011, the unit was repeatedly cited as one of the most important social movements in Russia.

The operator said he favored telecommunications partner of the unit, providing it in collaboration solutions and technologies to help in the search for missing people. In particular, JSC "VimpelCom" allocated free hot line 8-800-700-5452 for treatment of citizens, as well as predostavyaet free association for the organization of staff searches. Specifically for search and administrative needs of group "Beeline" suggested the use of a decision "intranet", allows members of the modern multi-channel telephone network using only mobile phones. Benefits of the service, according to the company, in that it allows you to coordinate the search with a mobile phone in Russia and use the features to easily get to all participants without reference to time and place, and to monitor calls in different directions, which greatly facilitates the search event.

In addition the "Beeline" developed and proposed for use in the Services "Locator", thanks to which each of the parties may at any time determine your location and the location of other members of the search team. In addition, the service allows you to send a request to the phone lost in the forest, the man to determine its location, which speeds up the process of searching.

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